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Pimachiowin Aki: UNESCO World Heritage Proposal for Boreal Forest

by admin ~ February 5th, 2007

Four First Nations and Governments of Manitoba and Ontario have joined forces to promote UNESCO World Heritage Site designation for lakes and rivers east of Lake Winnipeg. The site being proposed is approximately 42,000 square km and includes Atikaki Provincial Park in Manitoba and Woodland Caribou Provincial Park in Ontario. Site designation would bring international recognition to cultural and environmental preservation goals, financial and technical assistance in the development of management plans and monitoring measures, and increased public awareness of site and its value to the international community. Proposal includes provisions for indigenous knowledge in the development of management plans, protection of the cultural landscape, recognition of the ecological value of lakes, wetlands, and habitat for threatened or endangered species (woodland caribou, bald eagles and wolverines), and sustainable development that promotes cultural survival, jobs, tourism, and the well-being and ecological health of the land. The press release announces formation of non-profit corporation to pursue proposal, and nomination process of three to five years.



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