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Ullumi: Documentary Film Site Profiles Nunavik and Nunavut People and Communities

by admin ~ March 24th, 2007

The documentary film Ullumi was recently shown at the Rendez-vous du Cinéma Québécois on 20 February 2007. It profiles Inuit co-directors of the film Evie Mark, Tunu Napartuk, Qajaaq and Lena Ellsworth, and provides stories and perspectives on contemporary Inuit life and the importance of language, education, self-government, and issues of concern to young adults and the filmmakers. A website based on the project has also been launched. It includes a number of flash media photo essays on Nunavik and Nunavut people and activities, and will soon be expanded (by September of 2007) to include a teacher toolkit and other resources in English, French, and Labrador Inuttitut. The website and film intend to reach both southern and northern audiences, and received funding from Telefilm Canada, Télé-Québec, Makivik Corporation, Kativik Regional Government, the Kakivak Association, and others.

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