Filmmaker's Website:
Welcome to the filmmaker's web-site for "Transitions: Canoeing the Elk and Thelon Rivers" (DVD). This DVD is a video record of my summer 2005 solo canoe trip to the Elk and Thelon Rivers in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, Canada. On this site, you will find most of the printed materials for this DVD, and a series of links to view the video feature for free on-line. Since video places high demands on servers and storage, I have scaled the video to a low resolution to facilitate download times and conserve hard drive space. If you would like to view the video feature as a single segment in its original resolution (720 x 480), please consider purchasing the DVD. The DVD contains a number of extras (including all of the raw wildlife footage from the trip, and a segment on fly-fishing tips for grayling) that have not been placed on this web-site.
A great deal of care has been put into the making of this video, and the authoring of the DVD. To read an account of this process, please view the inset for the DVD, which is available in the downloads section of this web-site. I am a graduate student in cultural anthropology at the University of Chicago. I would like to continue making such films. For anybody who has traveled in the area, you are aware of the high cost of air charter service, and the need for specialized equipment such as satellite phones, PLBs, GPS receivers, and redundancy in personal and canoeing gear. Caution and good judgment should always be used, and are important renewable resources when traveling solo on a remote canoeing trip. As a student of culture, history, and film, I have produced this video as an independent creative endeavor and for the enjoyment of others. I am solely responsible for the content and subject matter of this video. I am currently planning a 28 day trip next summer (2007) to the Horton River in the Northwest Territories, Canada.
If you have any questions about using this site, access to the video links, or purchasing the DVD, please do not hesitate to send me a note via our feedback or contacts page.